Friday, January 14, 2011

Congrats to the Top School Achievers...

Assalamualaikum and greetings to all....

Soon SMKASAS will organise Hari Anugerah Kecemerlangan SMKASAS 2010 to acknowledge the school achievers of various categories. This grand occasion is to be held on Saturday, 29th January 2011.

For Pre U category, we have awards for Lower 6 Session 2010 and Upper 6 2010. For those selected based on given criteria, invitation letters to the occasion have been distributed to you all. For confirmation of attendance (and parents) , please contact Miss Marilyn, Madam Rosenah or Madam Rodiah at the school office number.

For Upper Six 2010, do follow this dress code for the event. Your appearance potrays that you are the 'Khaira Ummah' genuine muslims and muslimahs of SMKASAS. Alhamdulillah.

Below is the list of the achievers for hari Anugerah Kecemerlangan 2010:

Top Three Position in Class

Pre U Upper One (2010)
Mazlan bin Suud,
Siti Zulaiha, Nur Fathini

Pre U Upper Two (2010)
Asnida, Suryanti, Nur Munirah

Pre U Lower 1 (2010)
Siti Farzalina, Raanah Kadir, Nurul Qamariyah

Pre U Lower 2 (2010)
Quratul Aini, Gunawan, Nurazlin

Best Scorers for Subjects-Lower Six
Pengajian Am- Raanah (Pre U Lower 1)
Bahasa Arab-Husna Afiqah (Pre U Lower 1)
Syariah-Sabtuyah Annur (Pre U Lower 1)
Bahasa Malaysia-Siti Nuraisyah Bakar (Pre U Lower 2)
Pengajian Perniagaan-Gunawan Semawi (Pre U Lower 2)
MUET-Nurul Khairunissa Masleh (Pre U Lower 1)

Best Scorers for Subjects-Upper 6
Bahasa Malaysia-Khalida Halim (Pre U Upper 1
Syariah: Khalida Halim (Wow!)
Pengajian Perniagaan-Asnida Abu Samah (Pre U Upper 2)
Sejarah-Asnida Abu Samah (Wow!!)
Bahasa Arab-Mazlan Suud (Pre U Upper 1)
MUET-Mohd Farris Muhammad (Pre U Upper 2)

Special Award-Anugerah Tokoh Asrama Terbilang
Muhd Al Zubair Zainon (Pre U Upper 1)

Congratulations to all!! May you all excel always in this world and in the here after. Amin. Proud of Pre U ASAS.

See you all.... Bye..Wassalam,

Thursday, January 13, 2011

R & D for Pre U students

Peace be upon all and greetings once again. Praise Allah and may the countless blessings of Allah be with us always..... Amin.

This week, Miss Marilyn has started the R&D slot with the Upper Sixth formers. The first meeting was held at the Lecture Room. Students were reminded to complete chapters 1 and 2 before their next meeting. The following meeting would be held at the School Resource Centre and to be handled by Madam Faridah Husna for Chapter 3.

Each group has their lecturer who plays the role as 'supervisor' in mentoring them for the project paper and colloquium later. Students need to prepare powerpoints slides too for the presentation during colloquium. Students need not worry as Ustaz Norul and Mr Rahim have ICT "hands-on"slots to guide you all in builiding interesting powerpoint presentations.

Students, use the correct format required and follow closely the samples given by Miss Marilyn. Don't forget the school logo on your cover page!

InsyaAllah, things will go as planned.
That's all for now. Till we meet again, insyaAllah..



Friday, January 7, 2011

Another New Beginning...

Greetings and peace be upon all blog readers.

May all of us be in peace with the Almighty's mercy, both in this life and the life to be. It's still not too late to wish everyone a happy new year. May this year be better than the previous.

For 2011, Pre U ASAS has plenty of exciting plans. We'll have "Pre U Grand Community Service", "Tutorial Classes Makeover" and "Graduation Day", to name a few. These activities will definitely be interesting, grand and memorable. Imagine....a wonderful, awesome landmark built by Upper Sixth Formers 2011.....Condusive, colourful, lively tutorial classes as idols to other classes....Walking proudly on the grand stand and being graduated with a 'square hat', a scroll and guess what you'll be wearing....... Wow.....MasyaAllah.... InsyaAllah.....

These are our plans to upgrade our pre U status. To make all these a success, the upper sixth formers indeed play the main role. Commitment from us all and support from the admins are very much sought after. Well as the title above reads....this is only the beginning... Together we'll make our plans a reality. InsyaAllah...

To our x-upper sixth formers (2010 session), we miss you all. We are looking forward to seeing some of you for the "Hari Anugerah Kecemerlangan SMKASAS" in February. Oppss.... I mean on 29 January 2011. :)

Ramlan and Firdaus

Qammmariyah, Fathin and Khairunnisa

Eirney, Rashidah, Farzalina and Seniah

Picture for today's entry, the Upper Sixth Formers (2011 session) looking 'smart' in the black blazers.

Till then, Ma'as-salama, ila 'lliqaa'

Lots of love,


Peace Be Upon All/Greetings....