Monday, January 20, 2014

ASAR Leaders

Peace be upon all/Greetings....


Head Umara'
Mohd Aidil Yusli B Yusof

 Assistant Head Umara'
Siti Marazurin Kay bt Mazidi
Congratulations on the appointment as head and assistant head Umara'. Pre U ASAR community is proud of both of you, confident of your capabilities to lead the others and inspire them to become better "ASARians".  You can do it!!!!! Insya Allah.....
All the best.

January Updates

 Peace be upon all...Greetings dearest Pre U ASAR blog followers.
Here are some activities finally managed to be uploaded for all beloved readers. 

First and foremost.....Congratulations to The Islamic Education Department for "Habibi Ya Rasullulah" Programme headed by Mdm @ Ustazah Wan Sharifah, and very supportive Ustazs and Ustazahs of ASAR. Here are the highlights of the programme.

1. School level-Poster (Sepanduk) Competition
 Invincible Pre U students conquered the titles.
 1st place - Pre U Dedikasi (and also champion for parade category)
 2nd-Pre U Cemerlang

Idea out of the box-Champion!!!

 2nd place-Powerful 7 (not bad, huh?)
Cherios!!!!....Pre U ASAR
 Maulidur Rasul Parade at ASAR headed by Us Amal and Mr Hipeni (PKKO)
2. District level

At Jamek Mosque Saratok

The winning Poster

2nd place for Category A
RM450, certificate and a trophy

On the other hand, ASAR also received the 'sad' news that 3 teachers received their 'transfer letters'. It's farewell to Ustaz Rahimi, Ustaz Syafiq and Ustaz Amaluddin. (Bentong, Selangor and Grik)

 Head warden-Ustaz Rahimi
Us Syafiq

Synonym with police cadets-Us Amaluddin

For remembrance

Pre U ASAR pray for their success as they move forward into a new chapter in life. Forgive us for all our wrong doings that might hurt feelings. Forget us not and we will always have you in our hearts.  No words can describe our feelings of letting these three teachers go but Allah knows best. For all the good things they have given us, we humbly say "Syukran Jazilan". InsyaAllah, we will meet again.
That wraps up the entry today. Wassalam.

Peace Be Upon All/Greetings....