Sunday, May 11, 2014


Peace be upon all/Greetings dearest faithful Pre U ASAR blog followers....

16 May, a day to appreciate all teachers. This link below is really touching for teachers (teaching students and who learnt from students) .  Happy Teachers' Day...

Love my Pre U students'

Monday, May 5, 2014

Ahlan Wa Sahlan Pre U Lower 2014

Peace be upon all. Greetings one again...

      5 May 2014, a new day, a new beginning, a new episode in life.... Welcome to the Pre U Unit, Pre U Lower students batch 2014.  Congratulations for being new members of the team. A long way to go ahead, a cheerful journey stepping together to achieve success... Insya Allah..


Ma'am, Pre U Teachers &Pre U Upper students

Pre U Stall and "Kenali Anak Kita" Programme 2014

Assalamualaikum. Peace be upon all.  May the blessings of Allah be with us always.

      "Kenali Anak Kita", a programme to tighten the bond among teachers, parents and students in the initiative to boost students' academic excellence, was organized on 17 April 2014. Praise Allah, 100% parents turned up to show the support towards the school effort (for Pre U unit). The programme went smoothly where consultation session was the most awaited by parents.  Form teachers shared information about development of the students with the parents. A few snapshots below were taken by Miss Marilyn to document the event.

Aidil's proud mum

Aina and dad

Khairunnissa with her ever supportive father

Miss Marilyn explaining to Mas Juliana's father

Taufiqah vowed for excellent in academic and also discipline

Yusri saying his oath witnessed by his grandmum and Madam Amira
As a token of appreciation, doorgifts for all present at Raudah al-ilmi
      To raise fund for Pre U activities, the pre U students set up a stall in conjunction with "Uniformed Bodies Annual Camping" event.(25-26 April 2014). This was coordinated by Madam Naimah and assisted by all form 6 teachers. Menus selected depended on survey done earlier with respondents from the forms1 to 5 students. In other words, this activity was actually applying what they have learned in books to real life situation. These also included the choice of the name for the stall, applying knowledge on cost and profits, etc... Congrats to all students.
      Signing off for the time being. Will see you all again soon. Adios.

Peace Be Upon All/Greetings....